Edited by 2016-2017 president Chelsea Mishko
YSUnity: SOGIE Society Constitution 2017
- Name
○ The name of this student organization will be YSUnity: SOGIE Society. SOGIE standing for the public domain, “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression.”
○ The previous name, YSUnity: LGBTQIA+, was changed to YSUnity: SOGIE Society to create a more inclusive environment to everyone of all sexual and romantic orientations, as well as gender identities and expressions.
○ The Officers may change the name of the organization if they so desire, but no more than once per academic year (two consecutive semesters). The name change must be agreed upon by all Officers and Advisors of the organization.
- Purpose
○ To promote awareness of issues relating to the sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions of students, staff, and faculty at Youngstown State University.
○ To provide a supportive and welcoming common place for students and faculty of all diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions (the LGBTQIA+ community).
○ To create a more welcoming campus for the LGBTQIA+ community through campus activism,
education, and events.
○ To network with other organizations and businesses on and off campus to create a diverse network of support for the benefit of all members of YSUnity: SOGIE Society and those people that wish to take advantage of our network of support.
III. Membership
○ Dues
■ There is no cash fee to be a member of this organization; however, if future Officers feel the need to implement a cash fee, they may do so with agreeance of majority of the Officers, as well as the approval of the organization Advisor(s).
○ General Membership
■ General membership is open to any member of the university community regardless of age,
sex, color, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, national origin, handicap, disability, veteran’s
status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, political affiliation,
economic status, or socioeconomic status, provided the individual expresses a genuine
interest and is considered in Good Standing (if a student) as stated by the university which
can be found on the YSU Transcript’s Legend.
■ Members are encouraged to attend Safe Zone training and be certified if the program is available.
■ Members must sign an attendance sheet every meeting and event with their name, YSU email, and YSU banner number.
○ Active Membership
■ An Active Member must meet all the criteria of a General Member (III.B.1) as well as:
- Attend “majority” of the meetings and/or events. The number for the “majority” will be agreed upon by how many meetings and events are held per semester.
○ Conduct
■ YSUnity: SOGIE Society has the right to eject any individual or group, without regard to membership or officer status, under the following circumstances:
- Violation of YSU Zero Tolerance Policy.
- Violation of The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.
- Violation of YSUnity: SOGIE Society Rules and Regulations.
- Stealing items and cash from any fundraiser or charity event conducted by YSUnity: SOGIE Society, as well as stealing from other organizations.
- Use, buying, selling, or being under the influence of illegal substances during YSUnity: SOGIE Society events and/or meetings.
- Use, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at unapproved events or by
underage members.
- Willful destruction of YSUnity: SOGIE Society or Youngstown State University property.
- Inappropriate behavior toward other members.
■ Conduct violations that do not result in ejection will be handled by the Officers in accordance
with Discipline (III.E)
○ Discipline
■ Illegal activities must be immediately reported to the proper authorities and reported to the
YSU Student Conduct Board.
■ Other offenses will be dealt with as seen fit by the Officers and/or Advisors of the organization.
○ Guests and General Public
■ Personal Acquaintances
- Members may bring personal acquaintances to meetings without prior approval,
however, they will also be responsible for any actions of their guest.
- Members must be present at the meetings for their personal acquaintances to attend.
- Personal acquaintances must sign the attendance sheet aforementioned in General Member (III.B.3).
- Outside speakers and representatives of outside organizations must be approved by
the President or Vice President of YSUnity: SOGIE Society.
- Officers
○ YSUnity: SOGIE Society will have the following Officer positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and as of Fall 2016, Corresponding Secretary.
○ Officers are required to be or become Safe Zone trained by the end of their first full semester in office if the program is available.
○ Officers are required to attend Student Activities Leadership Summit Training at the beginning of each semester, except due to work or emergencies. If an officer has not attended this training during the fall semester and is set to carry-on their title to the second half of the academic year, they must attend the training in the spring semester.
○ Officers are required to attend ⅔ of the meetings, as well as ⅔ of the events–unless work, class, or an emergency makes them unable to attend. Acceptable proof must be sent to the President or Advisor of the organization in cases of absence.
○ If an Officer feels that they are unable to keep up with their position, they must inform the President and/or Advisor.
○ If anyone in the organization feels an Officer is not rightfully doing their duties, an emergency meeting will be held for the Officer to plead their case. The Advisors and remaining Officers will decide to either give them one more chance or eject them of their title. If the Officer fails to perform their duties after being given one more chance, they are automatically ejected of their title but may remain in the organization.
○ In the case of an Officer leaving or being ejected of their title, an emergency election will be held where Active Members will vote on a replacement Officer for the remainder of the academic year.
○ President and Vice President must have a minimum 2.5 GPA; Treasurer, Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary must have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
○ Positions
■ President
Elected for the academic year. Major duties: serve as the primary leader for YSUnity: SOGIE Society; serve as the primary contact and spokesperson for YSUnity: SOGIE Society within the campus and off-campus communities; serve as the primary representative for YSUnity: SOGIE Society to YSU committees and activities; consult with Student Government Association and the executive administration of the University regarding sexual orientation, gender identity and expression issues on campus; maintain an open line of communication within the physical and mental health services to be able to make proper referrals, conduct programming, and respond to emergency situations; work to secure funding through fundraising and University resources; collaborate with the Vice President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and YSUnity: SOGIE Society members; provide guidance to future and current Officers of YSUnity: SOGIE Society before leaving position; provide leadership, support, and guidance in planning events sponsored by YSUnity: SOGIE Society; organize and facilitate group and officer meetings regularly; organize, plan, and execute YSUnity: SOGIE Society sponsored programming regularly including annual events such as Coming Out Week, YSUnity’s Halloween Party, drag shows, sexuality discussions, Day of Silence, etc.; serve as a member of the Safe Zone Advisory Council and participate in Safe Zone trainings if the program is available. There may be other duties as necessary.
■ Vice President
Elected for the academic year. Major duties: serve as a primary leader for the organization; provide support to the President; collaborate with the President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and YSUnity: SOGIE Society members; provide guidance to future and current Officers of YSUnity: SOGIE Society before leaving position; provide leadership, support, and guidance in planning events sponsored by YSUnity: SOGIE Society; serve as back up to the President in case of illness or incapacitation; attend group and officer meetings regularly; attend YSUnity: SOGIE Society sponsored programming regularly; serve as a member of the Safe Zone Advisory Council and participate in Safe Zone trainings if the program is available. There may be other duties as necessary.
■ Treasurer
Elected for the academic year. Major duties: fiscal management for the group; maintain bank ledger and a positive balance in group banking accounts; provide approval and payment for purchases on behalf of the group; document all purchases made on behalf of the group; physically posess all YSUnity: SOGIE Society bank cards and receipts; attend group and officer meetings regularly; attend YSUnity: SOGIE Society sponsored programming regularly; report on group fiscal wellness at meetings; collaborate with the President, Vice President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and YSUnity: SOGIE Society members; provide guidance to future and current Officers of YSUnity: SOGIE Society before leaving position; provide leadership, support, and guidance in planning events sponsored by YSUnity: SOGIE Society; serve as a member of the Safe Zone Advisory Council and participate in Safe Zone trainings if the program is available. There may be other duties as necessary.
■ Secretary
Elected for the academic year. Major duties: information management for the group; take, maintain, and disseminate meeting minutes; maintain all YSUnity: SOGIE Society social media; maintain other necessary documents for the group such as those required by Student Activities or those requested by the group Officers and/or Advisor(s); make room reservations for group meetings and events; attend group and officer meetings regularly; collaborate with the President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and YSUnity: SOGIE Society members; provide guidance to future and current Officers of YSUnity: SOGIE Society before leaving position; provide leadership, support, and guidance in planning events sponsored by YSUnity: SOGIE Society; attend YSUnity sponsored programming regularly; serve as a member of the Safe Zone Advisory Council and participate in Safe Zone trainings if the program is available. There may be other duties as necessary.
■ Corresponding Secretary
Elected for the academic year. Major duties: Split duties of the Secretary; maintain all YSUnity: SOGIE Society emails and passwords, maintain record of meeting and event attendance; make room reservations for group meetings and events; attend group and officer meetings regularly; collaborate with the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and YSUnity: SOGIE Society members; provide guidance to future and current Officers of YSUnity: SOGIE Society before leaving position; provide leadership, support, and guidance in planning events sponsored by YSUnity: SOGIE Society; attend YSUnity sponsored programming regularly; serve as a member of the Safe Zone Advisory Council and participate in Safe Zone trainings if the program is available. There may be other duties as necessary.
○ Eligibility
■ Primary Officers
- President & Vice President
(1) Candidates for President and Vice President must meet all the criteria for Secondary Officers, in addition to having previously held a Secondary Officer Position.
(2) In the event there are no members that meet the criteria for Primary Officers, and are willing to run for office, candidacy will be extended to all members eligible for Secondary Officer positions.
■ Secondary Officers
- Treasurer & Secretary
(1) Candidates for Treasurer and Secretary must be Active Members that have followed all active membership requirements.
(2) If there is no Active Member that would like to run for a Secondary Officer
position, then the Primary Officers must take those responsibilities until the position is filled.
- As of Fall 2016, YSUnity: SOGIE Society has a 5th Officer position: Corresponding Secretary.
(1) Officers must unanimously agree on a candidate for Corresponding Secretary.
(2) The Corresponding Secretary position will cease to exist if no member wishes to take the title, or if majority of the Officers choose to eliminate the position for the academic year. In cases of an officer tie, the Advisor will be the deciding vote. If the position is not filled, the position will be offered the following academic year.
(a) The current Corresponding Secretary will be able to vote for the new Corresponding Secretary if the 4 main Officers are split on the vote.
(3) If the Corresponding Secretary leaves the position, an emergency election will be held if needed.
○ Organizational Office
- The office is maintained by the President and Vice President of YSUnity: SOGIE Society.
- The Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer of YSUnity: SOGIE Society may request to use the office for the organization’s use only. Secondary Officers must contact the President and/or Vice President to request to use office space.
VII. YSUnity: SOGIE Society members that are not officers may only enter the office with a Primary Officer’s permission.
○ Attendance
■ Officers may not miss more than three meetings without cause or more than six meetings without urgent cause (work, classes, or emergencies).
○ Confidentiality
■ Officers may be consulted for limited confidential advice.
■ Officers are not counselors, and any recommendations should be taken as statements of personal opinion.
■ Officers are obligated to report any individual that is a danger to themselves or others and may be reported to campus officials.
■ If an Officer feels the subject is beyond their level of comfort or expertise, they may refer/report the individual to Counseling Services, Student Conduct, or the YSU Police
(depending on individual circumstance).
○ Removal
■ An Officer may be removed from office if they are found to have violated the Organization’s
Conduct Policy (III.D).
■ An Officer must be removed from office if they are found to be negligent in their duties (IV.C)
or attendance without reasonable explanation.
■ Removal of an Officer will be undergone by the Advisor.
VII. Meetings
○ YSUnity: SOGIE Society will have a general meeting once per week at prearranged and consistent times.
○ Officers that cannot attend meetings due to academic conflict, work, or emergency circumstances will not receive attendance credit, but may make up for the absence by leading a meeting and/or event.
■ Officers are required to inform all other Officers that they will be unable to attend a meeting 24 hours prior to said meeting via text message or group chat on social media–emergency being the only exception.
○ Attendance is not mandatory for members, however, Active Members are required to attend a “majority” of meetings and/or events per semester. The number for the “majority” will be agreed upon by how many meetings and events are held per semester.
VIII. Elections
○ Only Active Members may participate in the process of electing new Officers.
○ Officer candidates must meet the eligibility requirements given in IV.D.
○ Candidates will be given a brief time to advocate for themselves during the meeting immediately preceding elections.
○ Current Officers are allowed to run for a new position, or re-run for their current position.
○ Elections will be conducted using anonymous paper ballots and counted by an Advisor or other neutral party.
○ Emergency elections will be conducted by Officers and/or an Advisor(s).
○ Current Officers must train and guide expected Officers within two months prior to leaving position.
- Advisor
○ Advisor must follow Student Activities Advisor Handbook: see Student Activities Website for
■ Advisor must meet once a month with Officers at weekly Officer Meetings.
■ Advisor may not be on the bank account(s) or social media accounts; however the Advisor may request information if needed.
- Social Media
○ YSUnity: SOGIE Society’s current social media accounts and contact information include: Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, YSUnity website, and Gmail.
○ Any new accounts must be approved by the President and Vice President.
○ All current Officers must have login information to all YSUnity: SOGIE Society social media accounts.
○ Only the President and Advisor may be Admins on the Facebook account. All other Officers may be allowed access to an Editor position with the President or Advisor’s approval.
○ All passwords must be changed every Fall semester.
○ Postings on the social media must be relevant to YSUnity: SOGIE Society, University or community events, and/or the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole.
- Rules and Regulations
○ When working the tables, members will hold themselves to a standard of professionalism and
respect toward all who attend the tables.
○ Members will not yell or have inappropriate conversation at the tables, meetings, or events.
○ Members will give their attention to whoever is speaking during the meetings and events.
○ Members will not disclose a person’s sexual and romantic orientation, nor their gender identity and expression to another person.
○ Preferred Gender Pronouns will be respected at all times–regardless if the person is present.
○ Inappropriate content will not be posted or tolerated by the Officers, Members, and Advisors on YSUnity: SOGIE Society’s social media profiles. Any and all inappropriate content on any YSUnity: SOGIE Society social media profile must be deleted immediately.
XII. Logo
○ The YSUnity: SOGIE Society logo is currently 6 silhouette penguins with different sexual orientation and gender identity flags on their stomachs.
○ The original image of the penguins had different colors to match the rainbow on their stomachs. This image has been in existence for over a decade and has since been circulating on public domain just as long; there is no copyright to these images. Henceforth, the YSUnity: SOGIE Society logo is public domain and may be altered as the Officers and/or members see fit.
○ Completely changing the logo must be voted by the Officers and/or members.
○ There may be no inappropriate content on the Logo.
XIII. Amendments
○ Amendments or revisions to this document must be approved by Active Members and/or Officers.
○ Proposed amendments may be submitted to any of the Officers or Advisors, but must be reviewed by all of the aforementioned.
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June 24th, 2017
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